INTRODUCTION-Sub clinical ascending infections through the lower female genital tract are predominant worldwide. Important morbidities related to poor perinatal outcome both for the mother and for the fetus and new born comprise preterm birth, prelabor rupture of membranes, post partum sepsis and maternal anaemia. In the fetus, sepsis and intrauterine growth retardation are suspected to be the consequences of ascending maternal infection. Both the direct effect of the infection and the maternal immune response contribute to these eventualities. This study was done to identify antenatal women with various genital infections and to know the outcome of pregnancy in presence of these infections. OBJECTIVES-Diagnosis treatment and preventive measures in genital infections in Antenatal period to improve the pregnancy out come . MATERIAL AND METHODS-One thousand women were studied for lower genital tract infection by ELISA KITS for chlamydia trachomatis, hanging drop preparation of vaginal discharge for trichomoniasis and mycelia of candida albicans can be seen by wet mount of vaginal dischage in 10% KOH. Gardnerella vaginal infection was diagnosed by Amsel's criteria . RESULT-out of thousand women 53% were positive for single or multiple infections (gp-1), 47% women had no infection (gp-11) . Labour outcome was studied in 415 antenatal women of gp -1 &395 antenatal women of gp -11 . In gp-1 51.80% had no effect ,7.71% had abortions and 40.48% had pre term labour and/or PROM .Which was significantly higher than in non infected group . IN INFECTED GROUP-41.92% neonates had no effect others had some effect in terms of LBW, birth asphyxia, neonatal death & IUD. Which was significantly higher than in non infected group. P=0.00 CONCLUSION-The study showed significantly higher incidence of obstetrical morbidities in women with lower genital tract infection,since genital infections are the root cause of these obstetrical morbidities so early detection and treatment of these infections is very important to improve obstetrical out come . KEY WORDS : lower-genital tract infection, obstetrical morbidities., Amsel's criteria .
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 21/ May 27 2013Page-3740
INTRODUCTION:Host defence mechanism operate against infections affecting maternal and fetal mortality. Sub clinical ascending infections through the lower female genital tract are predominant world wide. Important morbidities related to poor perinatal outcome both for the mother and for the fetus and new born comprise preterm birth, prelabor rupture of membranes, post partum sepsis and maternal anaemia. In the fetus, sepsis and intrauterine growth retardation are suspected to be the consequences of ascending maternal infection. In the newborn septicemia and respiratory disorders as well as neurological disorders seem to be consequences of such ascending genital infections in the pregnant women. It is to elucidate the host defence mechanism and antimicrobial barriers from the vagina through...