Background: Late intrauterine foetal death (IUFD > 28 weeks) is a tragedy to mothers and family members. The first step to reduce IUFD is to obtain an accurate and detailed data for IUFD. The present study was done to identify the probable causes of foetal death and determine the risk of recurrence, prevention or corrective action. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary hospital during a period of one year in Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical college, from January to December 2018, on all admitted pregnant women with intrauterine foetal death (>28 weeks). Detailed history, clinical examination, associated conditions, mode of delivery, foetal conditions, placenta, condition of cord and investigation reports were analyzed. Results: A total of 188 IUFD were reported amongst 8013 deliveries with its incidence 23.46/1000 live birth and recurrence rate 8.5%. Maximum (89.89%) occurred in antepartum period. Mean maternal age 26.03 years. 59% unbooked cases, 48.93% belonging to lower class family and maximum (59%) from slum and rural area. Most of the cases were Multigravidas (59.6%) and preterm (52.7%) gestation. Regarding causes of IUFD hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (45.2%) were commonest, followed by unexplained 24.5%, diabetes Mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus (23.9%), anaemia 20.7%, hypothyroidism 11.2%, oligohydramnios 11.2%, maternal infection 9.6%, antepartum haemorrhage 8.5%, malpresentation 7.44%, intrauterine growth retardation 4.8%, fetal congenital anomalies 4.8% & cord accident 4.3%. Maternal complications occurred 14.9% cases. Those were postpartum haemorrhage 11.2%, sepsis 2.6%, acute renal failure 0.53% and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 0.53%. Most of the patients (86.2%) delivered vaginally. Maximum number of IUFD was seen in birth weight between 1 -1.5 kg (31.4%), followed by 2 -2.5 kg (21.