CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Glomerular disease registries are increasing all around the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics and treatment response among patients with glomerular diseases followed up in a tertiary hospital in Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Analytical cross-sectional study; tertiary-level public hospital.
METHODS:This study included patients with glomerular diseases followed up at a tertiary hospital in Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil. Clinical and laboratory data on each patient were registered. The response to specific treatment was evaluated after 3, 6 and 12 months.
RESULTS:The study included 168 patients of mean age 37 ± 14 years. The main clinical presentations were nephrotic proteinuria (67.3%) and renal insufficiency (17.9%). The mean proteinuria value decreased after the treatment began. Regarding 24-hour proteinuria on admission, there was no significant difference between patients with a good response and those with no response (7,448 ± 5,056 versus 6,448 ± 4,251 mg/24 h, P = 0.29). The glomerular disease with the highest remission rate was MCD (92%). Absence of interstitial fibrosis presented a strong correlation with remission (remission in patients without fibrosis = 83.4% versus 16.3% in those with fibrosis, P = 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: The present study found that the most frequent glomerular disease was FSGS, followed by MCD, MN and LN. The presence of interstitial fibrosis was a predictor of poor therapeutic response. Com relação à proteinúria de 24 horas na admissão, não houve diferença significativa entre os pacientes com boa resposta ao tratamento e aqueles sem resposta (7.448 ± 5.056 versus 6.448 ± 4.251 mg/24 h, P = 0,29). A doença com maior índice de remissão foi a DLM (92%). A ausência de fibrose intersticial apresentou forte correlação com a remissão (remissão em pacientes sem fibrose = 83,4% versus 16,3% naqueles com fibrose, P = 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O presente estudo encontrou como glomerulopatia mais frequente a GESF, seguida da DLM, NM e NL. A presença de fibrose intersticial foi um preditor de pobre resposta terapêutica.