Purpose:To investigate the long-term functional and clinical outcomes of a tendon transfer to restore extension of the thumb using extensor carpi radialis brevis Methods and materials: From Jun 2005 to Sep 2012, 8 patients with rupture or division of extensor pollicis longus (6 males, 2 females; aged 16-52 years, mean age 30 years) underwent a tendon transfer using the extensor carpi radialis brevis to restore extension of the thumb. All patients were assessed by Geldmacher score system, mobility, pinch and grip strength of thumb comparing to the non-operated hand over an average of 36 months (range, 24-84 months) after the operation. Table 1: Results after ECRB transfer for restoration EPL function evaluated by the Geldmacher score system Abduction of thumb ∆Lift-off Loss of ROM (IP+MP) Opposition distance Total