The primary aim of the investigation was to compare the occurrence of injuries to footballers at low and high level of achievement with regard to various stages viz. ground conditions, location, field positions, training and competition. Information on injuries was collected from members of eight Indian football teams which were participating in the All India Mayor Trophy football tournament by questionnaires. In all 98 injuries were observed, 40 related to the low achievement and 58 to the high achievement group of footballers. A significant difference in the occurrence of injuries between the two achievement groups of footballers was found. Occurrence of injuries due to field conditions and position of playing were also found to be significantly different in the two achievement groups. No significant differences in injury occurrence were found between group of footballers with respect to location. Significant difference in the occurrence of injuries were observed in the groups with respect to the frequency of competition and training periods (t=2.46, p<.05) of footballers. While comparing causes and nature of injuries, no significant differences were found between the low and the high level of achievement footballers. The high level of achievement footballers revealed more injuries than the low level of achievement footballers. Those football players directly involved in attack or defence are more likely to be injured. Lower limb injuries were found to be predominant. The results of the study provide a useful insight into the injuries in relation to the field position, nature and location of injury in competitive football players.