Author contributions: P.K.G. worked on the experimental design, genomic analyses, prepared figures, and was responsible for preparation of the manuscript and all edits. J.S.D. compiled the patient database, assisted in the experimental design of the study and manuscript preparation and edits. A. J. B. compiled the patient database and assisted in manuscript edits. A.D.M. isolated DNA samples for all patients. H.C. prepared all of the samples for sequencing. J. W. identified copy-number variants in the patient samples. R.A.H. acquired DNA samples for study and assisted in manuscript preparation and edits. All authors have approved the final article. Data availability statement: To maintain patient privacy, we cannot provide individual-level genetic data. Instead, we provide cohort-level genetic data, which includes annotations of each variant identified in the study cohorts (Supplementary Table 2). We have also included the Fredrickson classification system, as well as SNPs and weights used to calculate each polygenic score (Supplementary Tables 1, 3, and 4).