Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to
analyze the pyrolytic byproducts from an Army-unique
propellant compound (AA2) that is composed of predominantly
nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. Compounds produced by
AA2 pyrolysis were compared to compounds detected in the
gaseous effluent from AA2 incineration. The light
permanent gases and most of the higher molecular
weight byproducts produced by AA2 incineration are
replicated by laboratory pyrolysis on AA2. The reverse
case also holds whereby 18 out of 24 high molecular weight
AA2 pyrolytic byproducts are found in the incinerator
emissions. Poor matching, however, was obtained between
the two processes for the volatile, water-soluble species.
None of these low molecular weight compounds produced
under pyrolytic conditions were detected in the AA2
incinerator samples, likely indicating inefficient capture of
these compounds from the effluent stream. Separate
pyrolytic degradation of the individual components of AA2
provides evidence that nearly all of the incomplete
combustion products detected during incineration originate
not from the prevalent energetic ingredients but rather
from the minor and trace additives in AA2. In addition,
pyrolysis successfully identified the AA2 components capable
of surviving the incineration process intact. This work
illustrates the potential of bench-scale pyrolysis for predicting
incineration behavior.