The implementation of inclusive education especially for special needs students in primary school during teaching in the classroom must strive for non-discrimination, recognition from all parties to all participants of learning, provide facilities and a safe environment for each child. The design of this study is a combination of sequential explanatory method that uses questionnaire and interview survey method. The selected study design places more weight on quantitative than qualitative data. The results indicate a positive relationship between inclusive education with school administrator, teachers, students, friends at home, school friends, relatives, parents of regular children, neighbors, special guidance teachers, and parents of children with special needs This finding indicates the influence of inclusive education developed based on the theory of Ecology. Based on the theory, four systems influence positively the development of students, namely microsystems (the environment in which individuals live), mesosystems (interactions between factors in microsystems), ecosystems (the environment in which individuals live), and macrosystems (the role of culture in the implementation of inclusive education). These four environmental systems have implications for implementing inclusive education, especially during the teaching and learning process in schools.