Green manure mixtures including legumes and forbs can help to increase N availability in organic arable systems. Anaerobic digestion of green manures may provide ammonium rich digestate, which can be redistributed as fertilizer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plant species composition, cutting strategy and anaerobic digestion on the N fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of different green manures. Digestates obtained from silages of pure stand lucerne (four cuts/year) and a mixture including lucerne, grass and forbs (two or four cuts/year) were used to fertilize winter wheat (surface banding) and spring barley (injection). In general, NFRV was 46-173% higher in spring barley than winter wheat, due to the different application method and timing, which reflect the common practices in Denmark. NFRV of digestates were 25-63% higher than the corresponding silages, with the largest increase with the most fibrous material (mixture at two cuts/year).Total N concentration (DM based) in the silages largely explained NFRV of the digestates. To obtain NFRV above 60%, total N concentration of silage should exceed 3.5 g 100 g -1 DM, achievable with silages from four-cut strategies. Silages of plant materials with different composition and N content may be similar in terms of biomethane production, but the fertilizer value of the digestates varies considerably depending on total N concentration.