Many of the processes that govern the viability of animal populations vary spatially, yet population viability analyses (PVAs) that account explicitly for spatial variation are rare. We develop a PVA model that incorporates autocorrelation into the analysis of local demographic information to produce spatially explicit estimates of demography and viability at relatively fine spatial scales across a large spatial extent. We use a hierarchical, spatial, autoregressive model for capture-recapture data from multiple locations to obtain spatially explicit estimates of adult survival (ϕ ), juvenile survival (ϕ ), and juvenile-to-adult transition rates (ψ), and a spatial autoregressive model for recruitment data from multiple locations to obtain spatially explicit estimates of recruitment (R). We combine local estimates of demographic rates in stage-structured population models to estimate the rate of population change (λ), then use estimates of λ (and its uncertainty) to forecast changes in local abundance and produce spatially explicit estimates of viability (probability of extirpation, P ). We apply the model to demographic data for the Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) collected across its geographic range in Arizona. There was modest spatial variation in (0.94-1.03), which reflected spatial variation in (0.85-0.95), (0.70-0.89), and (0.07-0.13). Recruitment data were too sparse for spatially explicit estimates; therefore, we used a range-wide estimate ( = 0.32 1-yr-old females per female per year). Spatial patterns in demographic rates were complex, but , , and tended to be lower and higher in the northwestern portion of the range. Spatial patterns in P varied with local abundance. For local abundances >500, P was near zero (<0.05) across most of the range after 100 yr; as abundances decreased, however, P approached one in the northwestern portion of the range and remained low elsewhere. When local abundances were <50, western and southern populations were vulnerable (P > 0.25). This approach to PVA offers the potential to reveal spatial patterns in demography and viability that can inform conservation and management at multiple spatial scales, provide insight into scale-related investigations in population ecology, and improve basic ecological knowledge of landscape-level phenomena.