In this study a classic Raman spectroscopy method is applied and the intensity ratio of Stokes and anti-Stokes peaks is used to measure the temperature of thermostatically controlled TiO2 thin films. In addition, three mathematical formulae are used and analyzed to estimate the temperature of the TiO2 thin films. Overheating of the samples above the thermostatically controlled temperature was observed while recording the Raman spectra, with a temperature increase of up to 30 K being detected. DFT-periodic calculations showed that the anatase (101) surface had a smaller band gap than bulk anatase. Thus, it can absorb the laser radiation with a wavelength of 532 nm that is used in the experimental setup. Part of the absorbed photon energy transfers into phonon energy, heating up the anatase phase, thus leading to the heating of the samples. Moreover, overheating of the samples indicates that the experimental method used in this study can lead to deviations in their real absolute temperature values.