In patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD), a right-to-left shunt results in systemic hypoxemia. Systemic hypoxemia incites a compensatory erythrocytosis, which increases whole blood viscosity. We considered that these changes might adversely influence myocardial perfusion in CCHD patients. Basal [LV, 55 (SD 25) vs. 48 mmHg ⅐ ml Ϫ1 ⅐ g ⅐ min (SD 16); septum, 67 (SD 35) vs. 50 mmHg ⅐ ml Ϫ1 ⅐ g ⅐ min (SD 21); RV, 59 (SD 26) vs. 61 mmHg ⅐ ml Ϫ1 ⅐ g ⅐ min (SD 27), P ϭ not significant]. These findings suggest that adult CCHD patients have remodeling of the coronary circulation to compensate for the rheologic changes attending chronic hypoxemia. heart defects congenital; myocardial perfusion; positron emission tomography; myocardial perfusion reserve IN PATIENTS with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD), infusion of poorly oxygenated blood into the systemic circulation via a right-to-left shunt results in sustained arterial hypoxemia. Arterial hypoxemia accelerates the release of erythropoetin from specialized sensor cells in the renal cortex, which in turn increases the number of circulating red blood cells (erythrocytosis) and the arterial hemoglobin concentration (17,25). This adaptive response helps to sustain tissue oxygen delivery, with equilibrium conditions typically being reached at elevated hematocrit levels (42). Oxygen delivery might also be augmented in the peripheral tissues of CCHD patients by an increase in oxygen extraction (3). However, this mechanism appears to be of limited utility for the coronary microcirculation, because resting oxygen extraction in the healthy human myocardium is already high and approaches 70% under basal conditions (23). This suggests that increases in myocardial oxygen demand need to be accompanied by nearly parallel increases in perfusion to sustain aerobic metabolism. Measurements of myocardial perfusion have previously been made in a small number of CCHD patients during cardiac catheterization, using clearance rates of inert gases or iodine-131 iodoantipyrine (51, 53). These early studies were limited by the methodology used to measure the tracer clearance rates and were further confounded by the need to normalize blood flows to derived estimates of ventricular mass. Moreover, these studies provided information only about global, and not regional, myocardial perfusion.Erythrocytosis increases whole blood viscosity in a nonlinear fashion (30,46). In vivo measurements made with intravital microscopy, for example, indicate that a change in hematocrit from 45% to 65% increases whole blood viscosity by about 60% and nearly doubles microvascular resistance (46). Because prior clinical reports suggest that marked increases in red blood cell mass might impair myocardial perfusion (27,61), it has been proposed that the erythrocytosis in CCHD may be more detrimental than beneficial for some patients. On the other hand, more recent studies indicate that increases in perfusate viscosity are associated with increases in shear stress, which could serve to stimula...