The linear magnetohydrodynamics stability of local and global resistive pressure-driven instabilities is examined computationally in a cylinder. Both instabilities are resistive from beta values of zero up to several times the Suydam limit. Both transition to ideal modes at higher beta values. No sudden change in growth rate occurs at the Suydam limit. The global pressure-driven modes, of tearing parity, will likely be important in high beta plasmas, such as obtained in the reversed field pinch. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1481860͔The linear stability of ideal and resistive pressure-driven interchange modes is an old subject that has received extensive analysis. Its relevance today is somewhat heightened, as experiments with unfavorable magnetic curvature, such as reversed field pinches ͑RFP͒ and stellarators, are operating with pressure at or above the ideal interchange stability limit. In stellarators beta values above the Mercier limit are obtained in experiment, with no observation of instability.1 The investigation of global resistive modes have been examined in stellarators in currentless equilibria applicable to the Heliotron DR device.2 In the RFP, control of the current density profile has succeeded in substantially reducing currentdriven tearing instability and increasing beta to the point that pressure-driven modes may begin to be consequential. 3 In this paper we examine the behavior of the linear resistive interchange instability in current-carrying cylindrical plasmas, as beta varies from less than the ideal stability ͑Suy-dam͒ limit to much larger than the ideal limit.The ideal interchange instability in a cylinder has been examined in some detail, following the calculation by Suydam that a localized pressure-driven instability in a bad curvature region, is excited if the stability parameter D S ϭϪ(8pЈ/r)(q/B z qЈ) 2 ͉ r s Ͼ0.25, 4 where q is the safety factor, p is the pressure and ( )Јϭd/dr. Subsequently, the dependence of the analytic growth rate on D S ͑in the limit of large wave number, k͒ has been treated by several authors. 5,6 In many of these treatments the inertial term is included in a layer around the resonant surface only. The eigenfunction solution in the outer region is matched to that obtained in the layer. [7][8][9] The result is that the growth rate depends on D S ͑which is proportional to beta͒ as ␥ max ϷC exp (Ϫ2/ͱ), where ϭD S Ϫ0.25. Thus, the growth rate is exponentially small near the ideal limit (D S ϭ0.25), becoming large for D S values well above this limit. Numerical values for the growth rate of ideal interchange modes have also been obtained in a diffuse linear pinch. 10,11