High-bandwidth, fiber-based optical cavities are a promising building block for future quantum networks. They are used to resonantly couple stationary qubits such as single or multiple atoms with photons routing quantum information into a fiber network at high rates. In high-bandwidth cavities, standard fluorescence imaging on the atom-cavity resonance line for controlling atom positions is impaired since the Purcell effect strongly suppresses all-directional fluorescence. Here, we restore imaging of 87 Rb atoms strongly coupled to such a fiber Fabry-Pérot cavity by detecting the repumper fluorescence which is generated by continuous and three-dimensional Raman sideband cooling. We have carried out a detailed spectroscopic investigation of the repumper-induced differential light shifts affecting the Raman resonance, dependent on intensity and detuning. Our analysis identifies a compromise regime between imaging signal-to-noise ratio and survival rate, where physical insight into the role of dipole-force fluctuations in the heating dynamics of trapped atoms is gained.