Despite increasing evidence for a pathogenetic role for the fi-amyloid precursor protein KNAPP) in Alzheimer disease, the physiological function of the protein remains unclear. The expression of the neural-specific isoform containing 695 amino acids, BAPP695, is consistent with a role for the protein in neuronal development. In this study, we analyzed the expression of .8APP during the retinoic acidinduced neuronal differentiation of P19 murine embryonal carcinoma cells. Northern blot and RNase protection analyses show a selective increase in I3APP695 expression, concomitant with the morphologic differentiation of P19-derived neurons. Moreover, the time course of increase observed for the .BAPP695 mRNA is paralleled by other neuronal-specific transcripts. A similar increase in (3APP695 is observed at the protein level. Furthermore, we show that levels of 1BAPP695 protein progressively increase during the in vitro differentiation of primary hippocampal neurons. The rmding that fiAPP695 increases selectively and progressively during neuronal differentiation in two different cell culture systems suggests that this isoform has an important cellular function during this process in the brain. Unlike (3APP in most peripheral cell types, the increased levels of IIAPP found in terminally differentiated neuronal cells are not processed in signfcant amounts by secretory cleavage. Thus, differentiation of neurons is accompanied by increased fBAPP695 expression and membrane retention of the protein as intact, full-length molecules that could serve as potential substrates for amyloidogenesis.One of the pathologic hallmarks of Alzheimer disease is the deposition of fibrillar aggregates of a 40-to 43-amino acid polypeptide, the ./A4 peptide, within the brain parenchyma and the walls of the cerebral vasculature (1-3). This -4-kDa protein is derived by proteolytic cleavage from a larger glycosylated membrane-spanning precursor molecule, the p-amyloid precursor protein (J3APP) (4), and is comprised of the 28 amino acids immediately outside the membrane plus the first 12-15 amino acids of the predicted transmembrane domain.Although 8APP transcripts are expressed ubiquitously in all tissues, there is increasing evidence for a unique role for the protein within the nervous system. BAPP mRNA levels are highest within the brain (5-7). In addition, the distribution of one alternatively spliced message encoding a protein of695 amino acids (f3APP695) is largely restricted to neural cells (7,8 (17) and Drosophila APPL suggest that they might be functional homologs.To examine the expression of,APP during neuronal differentiation, we have taken advantage of the P19 mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line (18,19). When these cells are grown under normal conditions, they proliferate as undifferentiated cells. However, in the presence of retinoic acid (RA), they are induced to differentiate into large numbers of neurons and astrocytes as well as a smaller population of fibroblast-like cells (20). Furthermore, the antimetabolite cytosine ara...