Preferential eosinophil chemotactic activity exhibiting a molecular weight comparable to that released from sensitized human lung fragments challenged with specific antigen and designated eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis has been isolated from extracts of human lung fragments by sequential purification on Sephadex G-25, Dowex-1, Sephadex G-10, and paper chromatography. Two eosinophilotactic tetrapeptides of amino acid sequence ValGly-Ser-Glu and Ala-Gly-Ser-Glu were recovered from the extracts in 4-12% overall yield of the low molecular weight peak from Sephadex G-25. Purified eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis and the synthetic tetrapeptides were maximally active in amounts from 0.1 to 1.0 nmo per chemotactic chamber, and the activity was dependent on both the NHrterminal and the COOH-terminal residues. Both natural and synthetic peptides were preferentially chemotactic for eosinophils and rendered them unresponsive to a subsequent stimulus.The eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (ECF-A) was discovered in 1971 as a mediator released during immediate hypersensitivity reactions in guinea pig (1) and human (2) lung slices. ECF-A was subsequently recognized to be present totally preformed in rat mast cells in association with the granules (3), human leukemic basophils (4), and mast cell-rich tissues such as human lung and nasal polyps (3, 5). The release of ECF-A from human tissue by IgE-dependent mechanisms has biochemical requirements and is modulated by the intracellular levels of cyclic nucleotides in a manner comparable to histamine release from the same tissues (5, 6). ., N.Y.), t-butoxycarbonyl (BOC)-amino acids (Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.), 3,5-dinitrophenyl-glutamic acid (Cyclo Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Calif.), and Rhodamine 6-G and N, N'-diisopropylethylamine (Matheson, Coleman and Bell, East Rutherford, N.J.) were obtained as specified. All other solvents were either reagent grade from Eastman Kodak Co., or Fisher-certified (Fisher Scientific Co., Medford, Mass.) and were redistilled before use. Methylene chloride was further purified by chromatography on a column of alumina (alumina adsorption, Fisher Scientific Co.). N, N'-Dimethylformamide was passed through a column of 4A molecular sieves (Matheson, Coleman and Bell, East Rutherford, N.J.) and stored over fresh sieves for 72 hr before use (11).Chemotaxis. Blood from normal subjects or patients with peripheral blood hypereosinophilia of 20-95% was incubated for 45 min at 370 with citrate anticoagulant and dextran to sediment the erythrocytes (12). The leukocyte-rich supernatant plasma was removed and centrifuged at 100 X g for 10 min at room temperature. The leukocyte pellet was either washed and suspended in Medium 199 made 0.4% in ovalbumin and 0.01 M in Tris-HCl pH 7.4 (Medium 199-ovalbumin) and used directly in the chemotactic assays, or was used as a source of a specific leukocyte population. Eosinophils were enriched by centrifugation on metrizoate cushions (13), and neutrophils and...