Abstract. Considerable ecological research on mercury (Hg) has focused on higher trophic level species (e.g., fishes and birds), but less on lower trophic species. Clear Lake, site of the abandoned Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine, provides a unique opportunity to study a system influenced by mine-derived Hg. An exponentially decreasing gradient of total Hg (TotHg) away from the mine allowed us to evaluate Hg bioaccumulation in planktonic and benthic invertebrates and evaluate population-and community-level parameters that might be influenced by Hg. Studies from 1992-1998 demonstrated that TotHg in lower trophic species typically decreased exponentially away from the mine, similar to trends observed in water and sediments. However, a significant amount of invertebrate TotHg (;60% for sediment-dwelling chironomid insect larvae) likely derives from Hg-laden particles in their guts. Spatially, wholebody methylmercury (MeHg) did not typically exhibit a significant decrease with increasing distance from the mine. Temporally, TotHg concentrations in plankton and chironomids did not exhibit any short-term (seasonal or annual) or long-term (multiyear) trends. Methylmercury, however, was elevated during late summer/fall in both plankton and chironomids, but it exhibited no long-term increase or decrease during this study. Although data from a 50-yr monitoring program for benthic chaoborid and chironomid larvae documented significant population fluctuations, they did not demonstrate population-level trends with respect to Hg concentrations. Littoral invertebrates also exhibited no detectable population-or communitylevel trends associated with the steep Hg gradient. Although sediment TotHg concentrations (1-1200 mg/kg dry mass) exceed sediment quality guidelines by up to 7000 times, it is notable that no population-or community-level effects were detected for benthic and planktonic taxa. In comparison with other sites worldwide, Clear Lake's lower trophic species typically have significantly higher TotHg concentrations, but comparable or lower MeHg concentrations, which may be responsible for the discrepancy between highly elevated TotHg concentrations and the general lack of observed population-or community-level effects. These data suggest that MeHg, as well as TotHg, should be used when establishing sediment quality guidelines. In addition, site-specific criteria should be established using the observed relationship between MeHg and observed ecological responses.