Climate changes and the associated higher frequency of heat waves in Middle-European countries will aggravate occupational heat stress experienced by Slovenian workers. Appropriate behavioral adaptations are important coping strategies and it is pertinent to establish if knowledge among advisers and workers is sufficient and identify the symptoms experienced by workers. Therefore a survey including 230 farmers and 86 agricultural advisers was completed. Thermal comfort ranged from hot to extremely hot for 85 ± 5 % of farmers working outside and heat stress had a negative impact on well-being (74 ± 6 %), productivity (68 ± 6 %) and concentration (34 ± 6 %). Reported symptoms were excessive sweating (84 ± 5 %), thirst (81 ± 5 %), and tiredness (59 ± 6 %). Women had a higher prevalence of headache (64 ± 10 %) compared to males (47 ± 8 %), higher frequency of fatigue (69 ± 10 vs 56 ± 8 %), and incidents with nausea or vomiting (19 ± 8 vs 9 ± 5 %). 81 ± 4 % of the responders reported that more time is required to complete tasks when the weather is hot. Nevertheless, 61 ± 6 % of farmers have never been informed of the impacts of heat stress and 29 ± 10 % of the agricultural advisers does not include this information in their guidance. This emphasizes the need for increased information and implementation of feasible solutions to mitigate the negative impact of heat stress on workers in the agricultural sector.Key words: heat stress; labor; farmers; agricultural advisers; health; well-being
IZVLEČEK POZNAVANJE VROČINSKEGA STRESA NA DELOVNEM MESTU MED KMETIJSKIMI SVETOVALCI IN DELAVCI V SLOVENIJIV Sloveniji temperatura zraka narašča bolj kot v Evropi, zato je pomembno oceniti vplive vročinskega stresa na delovne razmere, sploh pri zunanjih delavcih, kot so kmetje. Raziskava je bila izvedena med 230 kmeti in 86 kmetijskimi svetovalci. Toplotno udobje je že zdaj neprimerno (vroče, prevroče ali zelo prevroče) za 85 ± 5 % kmetov, ko delajo zunaj, pri čemer vročinski stres vpliva na počutje (74 ± 6 %), storilnost (68 ± 6 %) in zbranost (34 ± 6 %) kmetov. Osnovni zaznani simptomi vročinskega stresa so povečano potenje (84 ± 5 %), žeja (81 ± 5 %) in utrujenost (59 ± 6 %). Ženske statistično značilno v večjem deležu poročajo o glavobolih (64 ± 10 % žensk in 47 ± 8 % moških), izčrpanosti (69 ± 10 in 56 ± 8 %) in slabosti oz. bruhanju (19 ± 8 in 9 ± 5 %). Kmetje in svetovalci skupno v več kot 80 % (81 ± 4 %) navajajo, da kmetje v času vročinskih valov za isto delo potrebujejo več časa. Kljub temu 61 ± 6 % kmetov še nikoli ni bilo obveščenih o vplivih vročinskega stresa, 29 ± 10 % svetovalcev pa še nikoli ni svetovalo o tem. Zelo jasno se kaže potreba po pripravi uporabnih, ne preveč splošnih smernic in možnih rešitev za zmanjšanje negativnega vpliva vročinskega stresa na kmete.