Aquesta és una còpia de la versió author's final draft d'un article publicat a la revista Soft computing.La publicació final està disponible a Springer a través de 015-1667-8 This is a copy of the author 's final draft version of an article published in the journal Soft computing.The final publication is available at Springer via
Article publicat / Published article:Liu, Y., Sakamoto, S., Matsuo, K., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., Xhafa, F. decide the Peer Reliability (PR). In FBRS2, we considered four input parameters: NI, S, PL and Local Score (LS) to decide the PR. We compare the proposed systems by computer simulations. Comparing the complexity of FBRS1 and FBRS2, the FBRS2 is more complex than FBRS1. However, it also considers the local score, which makes it more reliable than FBRS1.