Several games that arise from graph coloring have been introduced and studied. Let ϕ denote a graph invariant that arises from such a game. If G is a graph and ϕ(G −, where χ g denotes the standard game chromatic number, χ i denotes the indicated game chromatic number and χ A ig , χ AB ig denote two versions of the independence game chromatic number. Since the game chromatic number ϕ(G − x) can either decrease or increase with respect to ϕ(G), we distinguish between lower, upper and mixed vertexcriticality. We show that for ϕ ∈ {χ g , χ A ig , χ AB ig } the difference ϕ(G)−ϕ(G−x), x ∈ V (G), can be arbitrarily large. A characterization of 2-ϕ-game-vertex-critical and (connected) 3ϕ-lower-game-vertex-critical graphs for all ϕ ∈ {χ g , χ i , χ A ig , χ AB ig } is given. It is shown that χ g -game-vertex-critical, χ A ig -game-vertex-critical and χ AB ig -game-vertex-critical graphs are not necessarily connected. However, it is also shown that χ i -lower-game-vertex-critical graphs are always connected.