The article reveals the reasons for quantitative and qualitative deformation of the process of reproduction of la-bor resources in the regions of central Russia on the example of Tambov region. Attention is focused on the scale and dynamics of this deformation, which is the main difference from previously existing depopulation processes. Based on the analysis of consequences of structural changes, a whole range of regional problems is identified, including: labor depopulation, "narrowed" reproduction, labor shortages, spatial disproportion, "aging", "replacing" migration, "brain drain", de-qualification, low level and quality of life, deformed industry structure of the economy, undeveloped infrastructure. In this context, security threats for a regional economic system are identified, oriented almost exclusively for a short period. Conclusion is made about the need for rapid development of the state anti-crisis policy in this area, based on integrated approach and including measures to improve: market mechanism of functioning, main generator of which should be an "innovative drive", infrastructure, relations in the sphere of social reproduction and in the market labor, quality of life of population, level of social security, etc.