Amidst globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, indigenous language preservation and promotion gain paramount significance. These languages encapsulate rich cultural, historical, and ecological value, embodying unique knowledge systems and identities. Nevertheless, challenges stemming from historical, social, resource, and institutional constraints impede preservation, with digital media technology thus emerging as a pivotal tool in this endeavour. This paper meticulously explores the role of digital media technology in indigenous language preservation during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Through a comprehensive review of reputable literature, including scholarly articles, case studies, and expert insights, the paper underscores the imperative of language preservation, delving into the obstacles hindering preservation efforts and spotlighting the pivotal role of digital media technology in rejuvenating indigenous languages. The paper also examines various digital tools and applications that facilitate preservation, emphasizing their accessibility and engagement, while also underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts involving indigenous communities, linguists, and technology experts. Ethical considerations, encompassing intellectual property rights and informed consent, are of paramount importance in indigenous language preservation, and thus this paper also consolidates insights derived from the findings and provides recommendations for effective preservation strategies, underlining the necessity of ethical guidelines and emphasizing the indispensable role of government support. The study concludes by addressing prospects and challenges in indigenous language preservation, providing a comprehensive view of safeguarding linguistic heritage in the digital age.