Nuclear levels of 23Mg near and above the proton threshold were investigated with high resolution. A new level has been identified at 7.643 MeV (66 keV above the proton threshold) with a possible jn = (3/2, 5/2) +. Some other spin-parity and excitation-energy assignments are also made. These results enable the reaction rate estimate of 22Na(p,7)23Mg with much smaller uncertainties, which is critical for the Ne-E problem in nuclear astrophysics. PACS: 27.30.+t, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Tk, 97.30.Qt, 98.58.Ca One of the interesting subjects in nuclear astrophysics is the so called Ne-E problem [1], where very high 22Ne enrichments were observed in some meteorites. The most plausible explanation is that the meteorites were produced from the ejecta of some stellar event with high temperatures. The nucleus 22Na, which has a long half-life time of 2.6 y, would have beta decayed afterward, giving a strong enrichment of 22Ne in the meteorites. Thus, the nuclear astrophysical problem here is to know the reaction rates which are associated with 22Na [1][2][3].The main production processes of 22Na would be 21Ne(p,~/) and 22Mg(l~+v ), and they are known rather well. However, the destruction process, 22Na(p,,f)23Mg, was not well studied. Above 290 keV this reaction was investigated by using a radioactive target of 22Na [4,5]. Nevertheless, the reaction rate had a very large uncertainty, several orders of magnitudes, especially at low temperatures [2].We report here the result of a high resolution study of the 24Mg(p,d)23Mg reaction to learn about the nuclear levels (excitation energy and spin-parity) near and just above the proton threshold in 23Mg. A doublet suggested before [3] at 7.63 MeV was resolved experimentally and studied separately.The experiment was performed with a 34.945 MeV proton beam from the sector-focusing cyclotron of the Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. The reaction products were momentum analyzed by a high resolution magnetic spectrograph [6], and detected by a hybrid type gas-proportional counter [7] backed up with a plastic scintillator. A metallic foil of 24Mg (enriched to more than 99.9 %) of about 130 gg/cm 2 was used to separate the doublet at around 7.63 MeV in 23Mg: The excitation energy 5~