copper-mold suction casting reveals an unexpected phase
separation (PS) in Cu46Zr46Al8 bulk
metallic glass (BMG) by controlled atomic diffusion. The decomposed
alloy cryo-cast to 193 K exhibits a remarkably lower free volume than
the alloy cast to room temperature manifested by dilatometry. An unusual
endotherm after the onset of relaxation registered by differential
scanning calorimetry and compositional homogenization occurring on
long time scales upon post-heat treatment even above the glass-transition
temperature confirm the stability of the decomposed state against
crystallization. As revealed by scanning transmission electron microscopy
and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, single-stage PS (cryo-cast to
193 K) results in distinct and evenly dispersed nanoscale Cu- and
Zr-rich regions, whereas two-stage PS (cast to 298 K) involves further
decomposition of existing Cu- and Zr-rich regions on a finer scale.
Notably, PS accounts for macroscopic compressive plasticity at no
expense of fracture strength. This study opens opportunities for the
design optimization of homogeneously dispersed amorphous nanostructures
of controllable size and composition in BMGs by single- or multistage
decomposition through mold temperature control.