Decrease in productive longevity of dairy cows in conditions of industrial dairy complexes causes another problem, which is connected with the timely replenishment of the herd with calves for replacement. Therefore, the cultivation of heifers has very great impact. Much attention is focused on early prediction of the future calves productivity for obtaining highly productive cows. At the same time, the growth rates and development in ontogenesis are studied very often, but blood values are rarely evaluated. In the literature available to us, there is little information about the relationship between calves' humoral and cellular immunity values with the future productivity of the cow. These indicators are traditionally used to characterize the immunobiological reactivity of an organism and the calves' health, and there is practically no information on their relationship to the productive longevity of a dairy cow. This is partly due to the difficulties associated with the duration of the research, since the cow must complete its productive life. A positive and reliable relationship is established between the immunobiological characteristics of calves' blood and their lifelong milk yield when they become a cow. The greatest correlation was noted between the milk productivity's indicators and bactericidal activity of blood serum (r = 0.63-0.69, P < 0.05). The relationship between cellular factors of body defense (phagocytic activity of neutrophils) and the immunoglobulins content of classes G and M with signs of milk productivity was less dense. It was, respectively, r = 0.31-0.41 and r = 0.58-0.63 (P < 0.05). This makes it possible to conclude that the studies conducted in this direction are promising, and assessing calves' immune status for predicting the yield of cow milk. The results obtained by us require further confirmation in a more significant number of animals.