“…User privacy, installation [40] Simplicity, easy to use needing to have data set, user privacy, error prone (noise in depth image information, camera motion estimation inaccuracy) [6] Multiple users, reliability (cameras and sensory floor) User privacy, installation [7] reliability (cameras, microphones), accuracy, multiple users User privacy, complexity, installation [41] scalability, user privacy, low complexity, robustness, fault tolerance accuracy depends on number of sensors, installation [42] Simplicity, easy to use, user privacy low accuracy, limitation to only one person [24] User privacy, multiple users installation, scalability [44] easy to use and simplicity, user privacy effected by the clutter (multiple-input multipleoutput radar system reduced this effect) [31] User privacy, easy to use relative accuracy (Increasing the number of reference nodes can improve accuracy), signal strength is effected by environmental parameters such as humidity or by interference from other RF sources [43] User privacy, easy to use and comfortable Scalability, only one user [49] Cost, comfortable, privacy Complexity, accuracy, need to have recorded observations [54] Cheap, easy to use, energy efficient, dealing with noise, recovery from the failure Accuracy depends on number of sensors, limited to single person [57] Based on cheap and low cost PIR sensors, privacy, user comfort…”