Transformed hairy root cultures of Valeriana officinalis were established by infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain ATCC 15834. To determine the effect of different media on the growth of V. officinalis hairy roots, MS, B5 media (1.0X and 0.5X strength), N6 medium and a modified MS medium without phytohormones were used. In addition, different NH 4 + to NO 3 -ratios in MS medium were studied. The effects of these treatments were evaluated after 21 days of culture in relation to hairy root growth. B 5 and ½ B 5 media were the best basal media for hairy root growth. MS medium supplemented with a 20:20 ratio (mM) of NH 4 + to NO 3 -displayed highest growth rates and biomass yield in hairy root cultures. The present study demonstrated that the composition of culture medium and the ratio of different nitrogen sources have significant impact on the growth of V. officinalis hairy roots.
Key words: Valeriana officinalis, hairy root, medium composition
IZVLEČEK VPLIV RAZLIČNIH GOJITVENIH GOJIŠČ NA RAST TRANSFORMIRANIH KORENIN ZDRAVILNE ŠPAJKE (Valeriana officinalis L.)Transformirana kultura korenin zdravilne špajke je bila vzpostavljena z bakterijsko okužbo Agrobacterium rhizogenes, sev ATCC 15834. Preučevana so bila različna gojišča MS, B5 (1,0X in 0,5X koncentracija), N6 in modificiran MS brez fitohormonov. Dodatno so bila v MS gojišču preučevana različna razmerja med NH 4 + in NO 3 -. Učinki teh tretmajev na rast transformiranih korenin so bili ovrednoteni po 21 dneh. B 5 in ½ B 5 sta bili najboljši osnovni gojišči za rast transformiranih korenin. MS gojišče dopolnjeno z dušikovimi spojinami v razmerju 20:20 (mM) NH 4 + : NO 3 -je vplivalo na največjo rast in biomaso korenin. Raziskava je pokazala, da imata sestava rastnega gojišča in različna razmerja dušikovih spojin značilen vpliv na rast transformiranih korenin zdravilne špajke.