We describe optimized conditions for isolation of relaxed mutants of bacferia with 4-thiouridinecontaining tRNAs. The results presented here imply that besides the knowledge of the action spectra for near UV-induced growth inhibitlion of stringent and relaxed cells the fluence -fluence rate dependence of growth inhibition is an essential factor for optimizing the enrichment of relaxed mutants. We investigated systematically the dependence of growth inhibition of both stringent and relaxed strains of E. coli on the wavelength A, on the fluence F and on the fluence rate For eeveral years we have been studying the regulation of growth of the myceliumforming bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus (BERGTER 1978, BERGTER and RIESENBERG 1982. After amino acid starvation S . hygroscopicus accumulates guanosine-5'-diphosphate-3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) as it W~S first found for E. coli (CASHEL and GALLANT 1969) and subsequently for other bacterial species as well. Derivatives of stringent strains impaired in ppGpp synthesis are known as relaxed mutants. Comparative studies with stringent and relaxed strains of E . coli improved considerably the knowledge about regulation of growth. Accordingly, relaxed mutants of other bacteria like Bacillus subtilis (SWANTON and EDLW 1972), Salmonella typhimurium ( STEPHENS et al. 1975) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (RIESENBERG and K~R I 1981) were isolated. But, isolation of a relaxed mutant of a Streptomyces strain has not yet been reported. This is probably due to the fact that the methods developed for isolation of relaxed mutants of unicellular bacteria cannot be applied to mycelium-forming procaryotes (RIESENBERG and BERGTER 1984). The lack of such a mutant prompted us to develop a new strategy for the isolation of relaxed Streptomyces mutants by combining the turbidostat technique and near UV irradiation ( RIESENBERG et al. 1983). This seemed to be the method of choice. The chemostat technique cannot be used to isolate relaxed mutants because in mixed cultures relaxed cells are overgrown by stringent cells (RIESENBERG and BERGTER 1984).Near UV irradiation (300-400 nm) is known to induce a temporary inhibition of growth of E . coli (JAGGER et al. 1964) by photochemical crosslinking of 4-thiouridine in position 8 with cytidine in position 13 in 4-thiouridine-containing tRNAs ( THOMAS and FAVRE 1975and 1980, RAMABHADRAN et al. 1976. The photochemical alteration of tRNA causes a loss of its binding capacity to amino acids ( YANIV et al. 1971). Thus, E" = 48 kJ . m-2 and