Mitochondrial derivatives of insect sperm usually contain a crystalline protein that shows a 45-nm main period, made up of 20-nm subperiods, determined by the coiling of filament bundles. Filaments are 2 nm thick and have a globular appearance. The crystals contain two main polypeptides, 52,000 and 55,000 daltons. These polypeptides are closely related, contain a high percentage of proline, and are insoluble in sodium dodecyl sulfate due to disulfide cross links. We suggest for this class of protein the name crystallomitin.Most insect spermatozoa are characterized by a prominent crystal (or crystalloid) in the matrix of their modified mitochondria. In some species the crystal may be of truly enormous dimensions, approaching or even exceeding 1 cm, and it may make up most of the volume of the spermatozoon (2, 15). It plays a particular role, therefore, in tail movement, and other functions for it have been suggested as well (2).It occurred to us that it should be possible to isolate these crystals and to characterize their contents by using standard chemical procedures. The obtained data could provide some information on the functional role and the evolution of insect sperm mitochondria. The present report shows the crystals to contain two main polypeptides, for which we propose the term "crystallomitin".
Electron MicroscopyAdult backswimmers (Notonecta glauca L.) were caught in local ponds in the neighbourhood of Siena. Males were dissected in Hoyle's medium (0.375 g KC1, 3.750 g NaC1, 0.110 g CaCI2, 0.205 g MgCI2, 0.170 g NaHCO,~, 0.415 g NaH~PO4, 500 cm 3 H20), and spermatozoa from vasa deferentia were prepared in the following ways: (a) Spermatozoa were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 5% glutaraldehyde at pH 7.2 in cacodylate buffer according to Karnovsky's method (8) for 1 h at 4~ The material was then rinsed overnight in cacodylate buffer, post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 1 h, dehydrated in a graded ethanol series, and embedded in Epon. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. (b) Spermatozoa were treated with 0.5 M EDTA for 5 h. After centrifugation, the material was rinsed in distilled water and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in Hoyle's medium, dehydrated, and embedded in Epon. (c) Spermatozoa were treated with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in 0.75 M Tris HCI, pH 8.8, for 30 min, fixed as in (a), rinsed overnight in cacodylate buffer, postfixed, and embedded as in (a). (d) Spermatozoa were treated with EDTA as in (b), and subsequently with 0.1% SDS for 40 min. Fixation and embedding were carded out as in (c). For making negatively stained preparations, a drop of sperm dispersion was placed on a coated grid and washed with distilled water. A drop of 1.5% uranyl acetate or 1% phosphotungstic acid (PTA) at pH 6-7.2 was then added to the grid, the excess fluid was removed, and the preparation was allowed to air dry.For freeze-etching the vasa deferentia were incubated for 1 h at 4~ in 25% glycerol in Hoyle's medium, transferred to small gold disks, a...