In this paper, a discussion of the safety issues in robotics are provided, categorizing them into three major origins: unfavorable environmental factors; human errors, and technical deficiencies. Information related to robotic accidents was retrieved from the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) and Korea Occupational safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in Korea. Accidents are classified into root and direct causes, and these causes are reviewed through the application of the Systematic Causal Analysis Technique (SCAT). This research continues to emphasize that the risks, such maintenance of people, and robotic operations, are the most susceptible during interactions with robots. The research explores the classification of accidents in robots, causes of injuries, and the necessity for personalized safety measures. In addition, it presents a discussion of the lack of assurance, safeguards, and confidentiality aspect in robotics, and the detrimental effect this has on enterprises. Lastly, the paper highlights the effects of industrial robot mishaps, such as human injuries and casualties, data privacy and breach apprehension, and effects of corporate brand. It explores the safety concerns and measures from legislation emphasizing the necessity of establishing a balance between security and efficiency.