This paper summarizes a vision of the challenges facing the so-called "Industry of the Future" as studied by the research community of the IFAC Coordinating Committee 5 on Manufacturing and Logistics Systems, which includes four Technical Committees (TC). Each TC brings its own vision and puts forward trends and issues important and relevant for future research. The analysis is performed on the enterprise-level topics with an interface too other relevant systems (e.g., supply chains). The vision developed might lead to the identification of new scientific control directions such as Industry 4.0 technology-enabled new production strategies that require highly customised supply network control, the creation of resilient enterprise to cope with risks, developments in management decision-support systems for the design, and scheduling and control of resilient and digital manufacturing networks, and collaborative control. Cobots, augmented reality and adaptable workstations are a few examples of how production and logistic systems are changing supporting the operator 4.0. Sustainable manufacturing techniques, such closed-loop supply chains, is another trend in this area. Due to increasing number of elements and systems, complex and heterogeneous enterprise systems need to be considered (e.g., for decision-making). These systems are heterogeneous and build by different stakeholders. To make use of these, an environment is needed that allows the integration of the systems forming a System-of-Systems (SoS). The changing environment requires models which adapt over time. Some of the adaptation is due to learning, other mechanisms include self-organisation by intelligent agents. In general, models and systems need to be modular and support modification and (self-)adaptation. An infrastructure is needed that supports loose coupling and evolving systems of systems. The vision of the overall contribution from the research community in manufacturing and logistics systems, over the next few years is to bring together researchers and practitioners presenting and discussing topics in modern manufacturing modelling, management and control in the emerging field of Industry 4.0-based resilient and innovative production SoS and supply networks.