Prof. Kimito Funatsu was born on December 3, 1955 in Japan. He received his Doctor degree (Dr. Sci.; physical organic chemistry) from Kyushu University which is one of the oldest imperial universities (1983) and joined Prof. Shin-ichi Sasaki's group, Toyohashi University of Technology (1984) as research-associate. During researching in Prof. Sasaki's group he worked on chemoinformatics field, i.e., Structure elucidation system CHEMICS, organic synthesis design system AIPHOS, molecular design. In 1990 he took the post of associate-professor. In 2004 he moved to The University of Tokyo as full Professor to continue the same research work. Recently he is trying material design and soft sensor. He is a chair of division of chemical information and computer sciences, Chemical Society of Japan.Dr. Kiyoshi Hasegawa was born on August 18, 1963 in Kanazawa, Japan. He received his Ph.D. from Toyohashi University of Technology (1995) and worked at Biostructure group in Chugai Pharmaceutical Company in Japan. While working in Chugai, he spent three months at Swiss Basel Research Center in Roche for developing new de novo design program (2003). He is now principal scientist in his group and is involved in many SBDD projects. He is also the Roche data mining working group member and the secretary general of Japan Chemical Information Science. His interests are de novo design, Chemogenomics, data mining and web application.