Injection and extraction of fluids from the subsurface can induce earthquakes (e.g., Ellsworth, 2013). Induced seismicity can be intentional and beneficial. This is the case in the context of Enhanced Geothermal Systems where hydrofractures and shear-fractures are used to enhance permeability (Elsworth et al., 2016). In the context of CO 2 storage, fracturing of the underburden and the rock volume beneath the target reservoir could enhance the storage capacity. Most commonly, though, seismicity is viewed as a source of hazard that can compromise the safe operation of a geothermal field or of a CO 2 storage site (Elsworth et al., 2016;Zoback & Gorelick, 2012). In any case, there is much need for a better understanding of how such operations could induce earthquakes.It is well established that the Coulomb Failure Stress change, ΔCFS, can assess the risk of induced seismicity due to a stress change at a particular location (King et al., 1994;Stein, 1999). An increase of ΔCFS can in principle result from an increase of shear stress, an increase of pore pressure, or decrease of normal stress. In the case of fluid injection or extraction, ΔCFS at a given location might be due to pore pressure diffusion