Recent work by Wu et al. [arXiv:1910.11011] proposed a numerical method, so called MPO-MPS method, by which several types of quantum many-body wave functions, in particular, the projected Fermi sea state, can be efficiently represented as a tensor network. In this paper, we generalize the MPO-MPS method to study Gutzwiller projected paired states of fermions, where the maximally localized Wannier orbitals for Bogoliubov quasiparticles/quasiholes have been adapted to improve the computational performance. The study of S O(3)symmetric spin-1 chains reveals that this new method has better performance than variational Monte Carlo for gapped states and similar performance for gapless states. Moreover, we demonstrate that dynamic correlation functions can be easily evaluated by this method cooperating with other MPS-based accurate approaches, such as the Chebyshev MPS method. arXiv:2001.04611v1 [cond-mat.str-el]