“…Yu also demonstrated that for sufficiently large X, there are >> X 1 2 −ǫ such fields with discriminant −D, where D ≤ X. In another work [50], Yu established that the number of real quadratic fields with discriminant ≤ X and class number divisible by n is >> X 1 n −ǫ for any ǫ > 0 and any odd n. Siyun Lee, Yoonjin Lee, and Jinjoo Yoo [35] have made advancements in providing effective lower bounds on the number of imaginary quadratic fields with absolute discriminants less than or equal to X and ideal class groups having a 3-rank of at least one, which is >> X 17 18 . Additionally, they determined that the number of imaginary quadratic fields with a 3-rank of at least two is >> X…”