Primordial Black Hole Remnants(PBHRs) can be considered as a primary source of cold dark matter. Hybrid inflation provides a possible framework for production of primordial black holes(PBHs) and these PBHs evaporate subsequently to produce PBHRs. In this paper we provide another framework for production of these PBHs. Using signature changing cosmological model and the generalized uncertainty principle as our primary inputs, first we find a geometric cosmological constant for early stage of universe evolution. This geometric cosmological constant can lead to heavy vacuum density which may be interpreted as a source of PBHs production during the inflationary phase. In the next step, since it is possible in general to have non-vanishing energy-momentum tensor for signature changing hypersurface, this non-vanishing energy-momentum tensor can be considered as a source of PBHs production. These PBHs then evaporate via the Hawking process to produce PBHRs. Finally, possible observational schemes for detecting relics of these PBHRs are discussed. PACS Numbers: 98.80. Qc, 95.35.+d