Adenovirus fibers from most serotypes bind the D1 domain of coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), although the binding residues are not strictly conserved. To understand this further, we determined the crystal structures of canine adenovirus serotype 2 (CAV-2) and the human adenovirus serotype 37 (HAd37) in complex with human CAR D1 at 2.3 and 1.5 Å resolution, respectively. Structure comparison with the HAd12 fiber head-CAR D1 complex showed that the overall topology of the interaction is conserved but that the interfaces differ in number and identity of interacting residues, shape complementarity, and degree of conformational adaptation. Using surface plasmon resonance, we characterized the binding affinity to CAR D1 of wild type and mutant CAV-2 and HAd37 fiber heads. We found that CAV-2 has the highest affinity but fewest direct interactions, with the reverse being true for HAd37. Moreover, we found that conserved interactions can have a minor contribution, whereas serotype-specific interactions can be essential. These results are discussed in the light of virus evolution and design of adenovirus vectors for gene transfer.
Adenoviruses (Ads)5 are nonenveloped icosahedral particles (70 -90 nm in diameter) containing double-stranded DNA genomes of 28 -42 kbp. They have been isolated from a wide variety of vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish (1). The ϳ50 human Ad serotypes (HAd) (divided into species A-F) lead to serotype-specific respiratory, ocular, and enteric infections that are usually self-limiting diseases in immunocompetent individuals. However, Ad infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns and immunosuppressed individuals (2). Notably, bone marrow and solid organ transplant patients who have severe lymphocytopenia are at the highest risk for Ad-induced disease (3). In addition, there are no drugs currently available that efficiently prevent or treat infections from all HAd serotypes.The major adenovirus capsid protein is the trimeric hexon, 240 of which form the 20 facets of the icosahedron. The 12 vertices are composed of the penton complex, which comprises the pentameric penton base and the externally projecting trimeric fiber. The fiber has a shaft of variable length with a terminal globular knob or head domain. In most cell types in vitro, the fiber head and penton base mediate attachment and entry, respectively. Crystal structures are available of the HAd2 and HAd5 hexons (4, 5); the HAd2 penton base (6); the fiber head domains of HAd2, HAd3, HAd5, HAd12, HAd37, HAd41 (short); and a construct of HAd2 fiber head plus part of its shaft (7-13) (reviewed in Ref. 14). In addition, there are recent high resolution cryoelectron microscopy reconstructions of the entire virus (15, 16). Based on similarities in overall capsid architecture and capsid protein structure, Adenoviridae probably share an ancient common ancestor with bacteriophages of the Tectiviridae family (17-19).The initial stages of adenoviral infection, cellular attachment, ...