Productivity and mowing periods of various cereal grasses on sod-podzolic soil of Pre-Carpathians were studied. The presence of sown grasses with different ripeness periods provides uniform supply of mowing mass from the middle of May till late September and productivity of lands, which is 5.4-6.8 t ha -1 of dry mass, exchange energy -44.1-56.8 GJ ha -1 and 3.81-4.87 t ha -1 f.u. On the basis of the obtained results, it was found that with increase of tillage depth from 8-10 cm for surface tillage with disk tools to 20-22 cm by plowing, the productivity of all studied species increased by 2-3% on average for three years with fertilization dose of LSD 05 equal to 0.30 t ha -1 . Cultivation of cereal grasses on sod-podzolic soils stipulates improvement of their fertility, in particular increasing indices of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.