Abstract:The electrochemical performance of lead-acid batteries made of Pb-Ca-Sn alloys with and without 0.1% of each of Cu, As, and Sb individually and combined in 4.0 M H 2 SO 4 in the absence and presence of 0.4 M H 3 BO 3 was studied. Both impurities and H 3 BO 3 were found to reduce the corrosion rate. Cyclic voltammetry revealed that the presence of impurities or H 3 BO 3 significantly retarded the formation of large crystal PbSO 4 . H 3 BO 3 increased the rates of oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions for all alloys. Impedance measurement was used to quantify the amounts of PbSO 4 and PbO in the initial stage of the oxidation. H 3 BO 3 decreased the positive grid corrosion of all alloys, while impurities increased it. Although impurities increased the self-discharge during constant current discharge, H 3 BO 3 was found to decrease it, except for the alloy containing the 3 impurities and the Cu-containing alloy. Under open-circuit conditions, H 3 BO 3 increased significantly the self-discharge rate, but impurities were found to suppress it.