A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2023 at Crop Research Farm Department of Agronomy on greengram. The treatments consisted of 3 levels of boron (1, 2 and 3 kg/ha) and 3 levels of foliar spray of iron (0.5% at 15 DAS, 0.5% at 25 DAS and 0.25% at 15 & 25 DAS) and control (N-P-K:25-50-25). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with 10 treatments and replicated Thrice. Application of boron at 3 kg/ha with 0.25% Fe foliar spray at 15 & 25 DAS (Treatment 9) recorded maximum plant dry weight (14.45), pods per plant (14.2), seeds per pod (12.51), test weight (39.05g) and seed yield (1.37t/ha).