We explain the origin of the Kondo mirage seen in recent quantum corral Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) experiments with a scattering theory of electrons on the surfaces of metals. Our theory combined with experimental data provides the first direct observation of a single Kondo atom phase shift. The Kondo mirage observed at the empty focus of an elliptical quantum corral is shown to arise from multiple electron bounces off the corral wall adatoms in a manner analagous to the formation of a real image in optics. We demonstrate our theory with direct quantitive comparision to experimental data.PACS numbers: 73.20. At, 72.10.Fk, 72.15.Qm, 3.65.Nk The Kondo effect is a fascinating, many-body quantum phenomenon occuring at low temperatures, whereby a magnetic impurity in metallic bulk or on a metallic surface has its local moment screened by a cloud of conduction electrons, called the Kondo cloud, that 1