Nanocarbons (NCs) have exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties as compared to conventional carbon fibers. In previous studies, chemical agent has been used to disperse NCs in the colloid. The main objective of this study is to investigate the dispersion stability of NCs in distilled water and measurement the Zeta Potential value after using ultrasonic dispersion method (physics method). Two types of NCs were used in this study, carbon nanotube (CNT), and Carbon nanofiber (CNF) with different amounts and sonication time of 2 to 12 minutes. The field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is utilised to inspect the efficiency of the dispersion methodology. The result has shown the significate dispersion of NCs. It was found that the Zeta Potential was 57.5 mV, and 50.9 mV for CNT, and CNF respectively after one month of sonication process. Moreover, the result indicates that the solution is in good stability according to ASTM standard D418-82. Thus, this physical method used in this study can be further considered as a potential method for NCs dispersion when mixed with a different application. Keywords: Nanocarbons, Dispersion, Zeta Potential, Sonication, Nanomaterials