Here we present an experimental study of isopropanol crystallization in real time by means of a novel setup combining simultaneously structural measurements with dynamical techniques. By coupling time resolved neutron diffraction and dielectric spectroscopy experiments we demonstrate that a breakage of the hydrogen-bond network is a precursor step for the crystallization of isopropanol. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.015503 PACS numbers: 61.12.Ex, 61.20.Lc, 77.22.-d Upon cooling liquids may either crystallize or vitrify. Crystallization is a common phase transition by which molecules self-organize into crystals [1]. Water is one of the most important liquids due to its direct implication in life. Among the peculiarities of liquid water is the presence of a dynamic three-dimensional hydrogen-bond network [2 -4]. The physical and chemical properties of hydrogen-bond network forming liquids are controlled by the extension of intermolecular structures resulting from hydrogen bonds [5,6]. Related to crystallization, molecular dynamics simulation in water indicated that crystal nucleation occurs after a significant reorganization of the hydrogen-bond network [4]. However, this network modification has not been observed experimentally. This is in part due to the fast freezing kinetics of water [4]. On the contrary, crystallization kinetics of isopropanol, which is also a hydrogen-bond network forming liquid, can be thermally controlled from hours to seconds [7]. The major problem to correlate the evolution of a dynamic magnitude with that of a structural one comes from simultaneity. Crystallization phenomena can be very well studied by diffraction or calorimetry, among others. The dynamics of the hydrogen-bond network can be also well characterized by means of relaxation techniques such as dielectric spectroscopy [8,9]. However, in order to find a direct relationship between structure and dynamics, simultaneity may be crucial. Our experiments involve a novel experimental setup which allows one to perform simultaneous measurements of time resolved neutron diffraction (ND) and dielectric spectroscopy (DS). DS measures the complex dielectric permittivity " " 0 ÿ i" 00 as a function of frequency, where " 0 is the dielectric constant and " 00 is the dielectric loss. By measuring as a function of temperature, dielectric spectroscopy becomes a very powerful method to study molecular dynamics in liquids [8][9][10] above the glass transition temperature T g . In this case, molecular motions give rise to a characteristic relaxation process, which can be observed as a maximum [8][9][10] in " 00 . To perform simultaneously ND measurements we have designed a special sample holder made from insulating anodized aluminum.Inside the container the liquid is placed between two standard aluminum pieces acting as electrodes separated by two Teflon spacers and are connected to a Stanford lock-in amplifier SR830 with a dielectric interphase and control unit from Novocontrol. The cell is incorporated into an ILL orange cryostat specially d...