Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of three cultivars (Promore, Kiev mutant and Ultra) of white lupins (Lupinus albus L.) for broilers. In experiment 1, the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients of the three cultivars were determined. The cultivar effects were significant (P , 0.05) for AME, but the ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients were similar (P . 0.05) between cultivars. The AME value of Ultra cultivar was lower (P , 0.05) than those of Promore and Kiev mutant cultivars. In Experiment 2, using the AME and ileal digestible amino acid values determined in Experiment 1, diets containing 200 g/kg of lupin were formulated and the effects of feeding these diets on performance, digestive tract development and excreta quality of broiler starters were investigated. Weight gain, feed intake and feed per gain of broilers fed diets containing white lupins were similar (P . 0.05) to those fed the maize-soybean meal diet. The performance of birds fed diets containing different cultivars of white lupins was similar (P . 0.05). Several digestive tract parameters were influenced by the dietary inclusion of white lupins. In particular, the relative liver weight and the relative empty weights of small intestine and caeca in birds fed diets containing white lupins were higher (P , 0.05) than those fed the maize-soybean meal diet. No differences (P . 0.05) were observed in the excreta quality scores between the birds fed the maize-soybean meal diet and those fed diets containing white lupins.