Two-dimensional fully coupled EM wave-plasma simulations are used to study the formation, early transient and quasi-steady state of the argon plasma excited by a two-dimensional discontinuous microstrip line. The electromagnetic waves that normally propagate in the microstrip transmission line, radiate and scatter at the position of the gap and the electric field is enhanced primarily at the corner of the gap. The microdischarge is preferentially formed at this position of the EM field hotspot and in low frequencies propagates on the dielectric surface, much like a microwave surface streamer. In longer times, diffusion dominates and the whole gap is filled with plasma of maximum density in the order of $10^{20}$ $m^{-3}$ while it occupies a volume larger than the gap. Mean electron temperatures range from 2.8 to 3.9 eV, while the plasma reaches a quasi-static regime in approximately 2 $\mu$ s having reconfigured the transmission and radiation patterns of the slitted microstrip line. The tunability of the microstrip due to plasma formation provides means for sustaining the discharge in a stable regime. For the same input EM power, the electron temperature increases with increasing excitation frequency while electron densities found to decrease. For the same wave frequency, a decrease of the electron densities with increasing gap is also found in addition to a restriction of the discharge expansion. Finally, thicker dielectrics result to higher electron densities and electron temperatures as well as absorbed power from the plasma. These findings are attributed to the dependence of absorbed EM power and skin depth on the EM wave angular frequency, the critical for shielding electron density as well as the restructuring of the S-parameters due to the changes in operational parameters.