Tunnel field effect transistor (TFET) is a potential candidate to replace CMOS in deep-submicron region due to its lower SS (subthreshold swing, <60 mV/ decade) at room temperature. However, the conventional TFET suffers from low tunneling current and high ambipolar current. To overcome these two shortcomings, a new structure, known as Hetero-dielectric gate TFET (HDG TFET), has been proposed in the literature. To analyze the electrical characteristics of this structure, a closed form of analytical expression of current is required. This paper presents the analytical current model for Hetero-dielectric single gate (HDSG) TFET structure without using any iterative method. The developed analytical models show a good agreement with 2-D TCAD simulator results. The model is used to study the electrical behavior of the proposed device under various physical and bias variations.