Every year, globally 570,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, out of which around 311,000 die. India contributes to about 132,000 new cases and 74,000 deaths yearly. One of the major risk factors for cervical cancer is infection with some types of human papillomavirus (HPV). This is both preventable (by vaccination) and detectable early (routine screening programs).
The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and attitude in medical and paramedical students about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination.
Material and Methods:
A cross-sectional survey was conducted, using predesigned and validated questionnaire. It was segregated into three parts: Q1—demographic details, Q2a—questions assessing knowledge, Q2b—questions assessing attitude. Our target population was female students (18–25 years) studying in medical, nursing, and physiotherapy colleges. Descriptive statistics of data was analyzed using SPSS 16.0.
We had 73% response rate. Most participants belonged to upper middle and upper socioeconomic class, were pursuing MBBS, resided in villages, had educated parents, and had good health-care-seeking behavior. School education, television, and printed advertisements appeared to be underutilized. Around 50% of the participant had received chickenpox and typhoid vaccine, but only 8% had received HPV vaccine. The mean knowledge score was 5.19 ± 2.24, with 0.00 minimum and 11.0 maximum, out of a maximum possible score of 17. Only, place of residence appeared to effect the knowledge score.
The study shows the dismal knowledge levels about HPV amongst students. Participants were interested in seeking knowledge; consider HPV vaccination provided they were provided with sufficient knowledge.