To increase the acreage of soybeans, it is necessary to introduce agrotechnical methods that promote its earlier maturation and increase the productivity of plants. The object of research was the soybean variety SibNIIK 315, the seeds of which were processed before sowing with Ekopin, Lignohumate and Seedlings. Processing with Ekopin and Lignohumate growth regulators contributed to the emergence of seedlings 2-4 days earlier than control, flowering began 3-4 days earlier and, in general, their use contributed to accelerating the ripening of soybeans. At the same time the vegetation period time was reduced by 5-7 days compared with the control. On the average, the growing season in the control variant was 106 days, in the variant with the use of Ekopin-97 days, Lignohumate-101 days, Seedlings-103 days. The height of soybean plants differed little in terms of options. On average, it was 68.61 cm over the years of research in the control group, in the variants with Ekopin, Lignohumate and Seedlings-72.52 cm, 69.35 cm and 71.8 cm, respectively. On the average, over three years of research, the highest yield of soybean has been obtained in the variant using the growth regulator Lignohumate-4.63 t / ha. A little less-4.39 t / ha has been obtained in the variant with the use of Ekopin. The attained results indicate the effectiveness of pre-sowing treatment of soybean seeds with Ekopin and Lignohumate growth regulators.