The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of viable cells from colostrum on immune development in dairy heifer calves during the first 28 days of life. The animals were distributed between 2 groups: COL+ (n=9) receiving fresh whole colostrum from their own damns; and COL-(n=10) receiving pooled frozen colostrum, containing no viable cells, from a pool of donor cows. These calves were assessed before colostrum intake (D0), 48 hours of age (D2), and weekly from D7 to D28. The development of immunity was evaluated by assessment of the phenotype of blood leukocyte subsets, and induced cytokine production after 72 hours of stimulation in culture with concanavalin A (ConA), killed Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and killed Escherichia coli (E. coli) by peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC). The clinical history of these calves was marked by a high frequency of diarrhea in both groups. However, COL-had greater diarrhea intensity scores (fecal score~3 of 4), and rectal temperature on D7 than COL+ calves. Moreover, bronchopneumonia (n=1) and navel inflammation were observed only in COL-calves. COL-had a lower concentration of serum iron, and a higher absolute number of lymphocytes on D7 than COL+. COL-also had a higher percentage of anemic calves than the COL+ calves on D21 and D28. In general, the percent of cells within each subset of leukocytes was similar between the groups over the experiment, except on week 1 when COL-calves had a higher percentage of lymphocytes expressing CD45RO + (P=0.07). A steady increase in CD45RO + and concomitant decline in CD45RO -leukocytes was observed over the course of the study, indicating the development of immune memory. The proportion of CD14MHCII + leukocytes increased with age (P≤0.05). The median background cytokine production by PBMC that were not stimulated was below the level of detection of the assays used for both groups. The PBMC from COL+ calves stimulated with ConA secreted a larger quantity of IL-17 week 2 (COL+=2060.0pg/mL and COL-=0.0pg/mL, P=0.00). PBMC from COL+ calves stimulated with killed S. aureus whole cell antigen (P=0.05) and killed E. coli whole cell antigen (P=0.05) also secreted higher levels of IL17 than COL-calves at week 4. Clear production of IL17 was observed in PBML from COL+ calves at week 2, but the difference was not statistical different between groups. In conclusion, calves fed fresh and frozen colostrum showed no difference in cells subset profile overall. The increased percentage of leukocytes expressing the memory CD45RO + or CD14MHCII + over the course of the experiment indicated a maturation of the adaptive immune response after natural exposure to pathogens in the + aumentou de acordo com a idade (P≤0.05). As medianas das citocinas produzidas a partir do PBMC não estimuladas apresentaram valores abaixo do nível de detecção em ambos os grupos. O PBMC do COL+ estimulado com ConA secretou elevada concentração de IL17 na semana 2 (COL+=2060.0pg/mL e COL-=0.0pg/ml, P=0.00). PBMC do COL+ estimuladas com S. aureus inativado (P...