e ecological risks to aquatic organisms posed by insecticide use were compared using species sensitivity distribution (SSD) to determine if nursery-box application is ecologically safer than surface-water application. e targeted insecticides were imidacloprid and pronil for nursery-box application and fenitrothion as a reference for surface-water application. Ecological risks were quanti ed as the potentially a ected fraction (PAF) of species calculated using SSD and the pesticide concentration in river and paddy water. e PAF value was the highest for fenitrothion in both river and paddy water, indicating that substituting nursery-box for surface-water application reduces the ecological risk. e validity of our SSD approach for risk quanti cation was con rmed with comparisons in mesocosm studies. e comparisons suggest that the PAF values successfully correspond to the magnitude of the pesticide e ect on ecosystems. e actual ecosystem appeared to have strong recovery potential, even when more than 50% of the species were a ected. © Pesticide Science Society of Japan Keywords: risk assessment, imidacloprid, pronil, potentially a ected fraction.
Electronic supplementary materiale online version of this article contains supplementary material (Supplemental Tables S1 and S2), which is available at http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jpestics/.
IntroductionIn Japan, pesticide registration criteria based on ecological risk assessment are set by the Japan's Ministry of Environment under the Pesticide Regulation Law.1) Under the risk assessment scheme, acute toxicity tests are conducted for sh (Cyprinus carpio), daphnids (Daphnia magna), and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), and then the acute e ect concentration (AEC) is determined as the minimum value of the 50% e ect concentration (EC 50 ) or 50% lethal concentration (LC 50 ) divided by an uncertainty factor (10 for sh and crustaceans and 1 for algae). Subsequently, the predicted environmental concentration (PEC), which is the peak concentration in river water at the time of pesticide application, is calculated using an environmental model based on a standard scenario in a model basin.2) Finally, if the PEC is less than the AEC, the short-term aquatic risk is deemed to be insigni cant and the pesticide is considered to ful ll the criteria.Various measures are taken by farmers for the protection of biodiversity, such as reducing pesticide use, substituting to safer pesticides, and preventing of pesticide runo into river water.However, the e ciency of the risk management options has not been evaluated. e present risk assessment scheme is deterministic, and therefore does not allow the comparison of risks under the various risk management options. Insecticide application in rice paddy elds in Japan has gradually shi ed from surfacewater application to nursery-box application in light of its many advantages such as reduced labor, long-term e ect, and low runo and dri . However it is necessary to determine if nurserybox application is ecologically safer than surface-w...